California 梦想法案 Service Incentive Grant (DSIG)

The California 梦想法案 Service Incentive Grant Program (DSIG) encourages 加州梦想法案申请(CADAA) students with a 卡尔格兰特 B award to perform community or volunteer service.  For the 2023-2024 academic year, the 加州学生援助委员会 (原子钟) can award up to $4,500 每学年(最多 $2,250 每学期). The grant will be available to the student for up to 8 semesters while they have an active 卡尔格兰特 B or A award (meets eligibility for both).  

Students will need to apply annually to participate in the DSIG.  学生将首先提交DSIG 授予应用程序 to be admitted to the program then submit the 付款申请表格 完成志愿服务时间后. 


  • 必须有一个完整的和提交 加州梦想法案申请(CADAA) 在新窗口中打开 for the academic year a DSIG application is filed.

  • Must be an active recipient of a 卡尔格兰特 B or A award; 卡尔格兰特 A recipients must meet 卡尔格兰特 B eligibility.

  • 至少修读6门课程的一半时间.
  • Must have sufficient financial need: at least $4,500 of unmet financial need to be eligible to receive up to $2,每学期250.

  • Complete community or volunteer service hours in that academic year.  A minimum of 150 hours must be completed before first payment can be requested – a total of 300 hours for two payments per academic year.

  • 必须满足 SAP:学业进展良好.  在新窗口中打开


  • A nonprofit as defined in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

  • Any federal, state, or local 政府ernment entity. 

  • 任何学校或组织上 服务机构名单 在新窗口中打开

  • Qualifying Service Organizations not on the 服务机构名单 may register with 原子钟 在新窗口中打开

  • Shall be established for a minimum of two years before the first date on which a participating student begins performing service hours.

  • Service performed must be related to your field of study or serves to further community service or a community need.


  1. Complete the DSIG Application found on the California 梦想法案 Service Incentive Grant Program 网站在新窗口中打开 . 应用程序的部分:

    • 第1部分-学生人口统计信息

    • Section 2 – School of Attendance Information; section must be signed by Financial Aid Office

      • Submit the form to our office in-person (Gordon Hall - 146), by mail, or through our secure 文件提交平台在新窗口中打开 并选择 其他 从表单下拉菜单中. Form will be signed and returned to student within 1-2 weeks; form can be picked up from the office or emailed back

    • Section 3 – Service Organization Information; student must have the certifying officials who will be verifying completion of service hours sign this section

    • 第4条-学生协议

  2. Once all sections have been completed – both Financial Aid office and Service Organization(s) have signed their corresponding section – the student then submits the completed form to the 加州学生援助委员会 (原子钟). 电子邮件优先.

    • 电子邮件:

    • 或邮件:

      • 加州学生援助委员会


        P.O. 419027箱


  3. Student receives email from 原子钟 when they are registered into the program.

  4. 学生开始执行服务时间. Student and/or service organizations should utilize the 服务时间追踪器在新窗口中打开 记录服务时间.     


  1. Students can request first payment after performing at least 150 hours of community or volunteer service. Service hours must be completed within the school year, defined as July 1st 到6月30日th. 学生必须提交 付款申请表格 在新窗口中打开 along with documentation of service hours performed.

    • The Financial Aid office verifies student’s eligibility a second time, 付款申请表格第2节, and the service organization confirms completion of the 150 hours (Section 3).

  2. Submit completed 付款申请表格 to 原子钟. 电子邮件优先.

    • 电子邮件:

    • 或邮件:

      • 加州学生援助委员会


        P.O. 419027箱


  3. Student receives email from 原子钟 when they are approved for payment. Payments will be processed by our Financial Aid office and it can take 4-5 weeks, this includes the time it takes for 原子钟 to send the funds to our office.

  4. Once Financial Aid office is ready to pay funds, it will post the DSIG on the student’s Financial Aid package and send an email to student about the revision to their Financial Aid. 如果学生注册了直接存款, the funds will be deposited within a week of grant being awarded.

    • A new Payment Request Form must be completed to request a 二次付款.

    • For the 2023-2024 academic year, the deadline to request a payment is 2024年9月.

请浏览   California 梦想法案 Service Incentive Grant Program 网站   在新窗口中打开 for program overview, additional details, and 常见问题.

加州学生援助委员会 Student Support: